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Clickjacking, also known as UI redressing, is a deceptive attack technique that manipulates user interfaces to trick users into performing unintended actions. In this article, we will explore the details of Clickjacking attacks, understand how they can exploit user interactions, and discuss effective strategies to prevent them.

Understanding Clickjacking

What is Clickjacking?

Clickjacking is an attack where an attacker overlays or embeds malicious content on a webpage, making it appear as part of the legitimate interface. The attacker then tricks users into interacting with the disguised elements, leading them to perform actions they did not intend to.

How Does Clickjacking Work?

Clickjacking attacks typically involve creating an invisible or disguised layer on top of a webpage, hiding the attacker's intended actions. By manipulating the visual elements and the transparency of the layer, the attacker misleads users into unknowingly interacting with the hidden content.

Clickjacking attacks can be used to perform various malicious activities, including:

  • Phishing: Trick users into providing sensitive information.
  • Unauthorized actions: Manipulate users into clicking on hidden buttons or links, leading to unintended actions like making purchases or changing settings.
  • Social engineering: Exploit trust relationships to deceive users and gain access to confidential information.

Preventing Clickjacking Attacks

Preventing Clickjacking attacks requires implementing appropriate security measures in web applications. Let's explore some effective strategies to mitigate the risks associated with Clickjacking vulnerabilities.

X-Frame-Options Header

The X-Frame-Options HTTP response header is an effective defense mechanism against Clickjacking attacks. By configuring this header, you can control whether a webpage can be embedded within an iframe or not. The header provides three options:

  • DENY: Prevents the webpage from being displayed in an iframe on any website.
  • SAMEORIGIN: Allows the webpage to be displayed in an iframe only if the request originates from the same origin.
  • ALLOW-FROM uri: Allows the webpage to be displayed in an iframe if the request originates from the specified URI.

To set the X-Frame-Options header in your web application, include the following response header:

X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

Content Security Policy (CSP)

Content Security Policy (CSP) is another effective defense mechanism that helps prevent Clickjacking attacks. CSP allows you to specify the trusted sources of content that a browser should consider valid for your web application. By defining a strict CSP policy, you can prevent unauthorized content from being loaded and protect against UI redressing attacks.

Here's an example of a CSP header that mitigates Clickjacking:

Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'self'

Frame Busting Techniques

Frame busting, or frame breaking, techniques can be used to actively prevent a webpage from being loaded within an iframe. These techniques often involve JavaScript code that detects if the webpage is being framed and breaks out of the frame by redirecting or reloading the page.

Here's an example of a frame busting script that prevents Clickjacking:

  if (top !== self) {
    top.location = self.location

By including this script in your webpages, you can ensure that they are not loaded within an iframe, effectively mitigating Clickjacking attacks.

Testing for Clickjacking Vulnerabilities

Regular security testing and vulnerability assessments are crucial to identifying and mitigating Clickjacking vulnerabilities. Perform thorough penetration testing, including targeted Clickjacking testing, to identify potential weaknesses in your application's defenses.

Leverage automated security scanning tools that specialize in Clickjacking detection and vulnerability analysis. Additionally, encourage responsible disclosure and establish a bug bounty program to incentivize security researchers to report any discovered Clickjacking vulnerabilities.


Clickjacking attacks pose a significant threat to web applications, their users, and the overall trust in online interactions. By understanding the nature of Clickjacking attacks and implementing appropriate security measures such as X-Frame-Options, Content Security Policy (CSP), and frame busting techniques, you can effectively protect your users from falling victim to UI redressing attacks.

Remember, web security is an ongoing effort. Stay updated with the latest security practices, follow secure coding principles, and regularly assess and improve the security posture of your applications.


  1. OWASP Clickjacking Defense Cheat Sheet
  2. MDN Web Security Documentation on Clickjacking
  3. OWASP Top Ten Project