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Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know

System Design Interview – An insider's guide Volume 1System Design Interview – An insider's guide Volume 2

Table of Contents


Latency is a critical factor that affects the performance of software systems, especially in modern web applications and distributed systems. Understanding latency numbers and their impact on system performance is essential for building responsive and efficient applications. This comprehensive guide explores latency numbers that every programmer should be aware of, how latency affects system performance, and best practices for optimizing latency-sensitive applications.

1. What is Latency?

Latency refers to the time delay between the initiation of a request and the receipt of its response. It is the time taken for data to travel from the source to the destination and back. Latency is measured in milliseconds (ms) and is a crucial factor in determining the responsiveness and speed of a system.

2. Understanding Latency Numbers

As developers, it's vital to be familiar with some essential latency numbers:

  • L1 cache reference: 0.5 ns
  • L2 cache reference: 7 ns
  • Main memory reference: 100 ns
  • Solid-State Drive (SSD) random read: 150,000 ns
  • Sending a packet on a local network: 0.5 ms
  • Sending a packet from New York to San Francisco (round trip): 50 ms
  • Read 1 MB sequentially from memory: 250 ms
  • Disk seek: 10 ms
  • Read 1 MB sequentially from disk: 20 ms
  • Send an email (round trip): 500 ms
  • Call a REST API (round trip): 1-2 s
  • Fetch from a remote database (round trip): 100-200 ms

3. Impact of Latency on System Performance

Latency has a significant impact on the overall performance of a system. High latency can lead to slower response times, increased loading times, and a less responsive user experience. In latency-sensitive applications such as real-time systems and online gaming, minimizing latency is crucial to provide a smooth and seamless user experience.

4. Optimizing Latency-Sensitive Applications

To optimize latency-sensitive applications, developers should focus on reducing the number of round trips and optimizing database queries:

4.1. Reduce Round Trips

Minimizing round trips between client and server is essential for reducing latency. Techniques like batching requests, using WebSocket connections, and server push (HTTP/2) can help decrease the number of round trips and improve application performance.

4.2. Optimize Database Queries

Optimizing database queries is crucial for reducing latency in applications that heavily rely on databases. Techniques like database indexing, denormalization, and reducing the number of queries can significantly improve query performance and reduce response times.

4.3. Use Caching

Implementing caching strategies like in-memory caching, content delivery networks (CDNs), and browser caching can reduce the need for repeated data requests and improve overall system responsiveness.

5. Best Practices for Latency Optimization

In addition to specific optimizations for latency-sensitive applications, following these best practices can further improve system performance:

  • Asynchronous Processing: Utilize asynchronous processing to perform non-blocking tasks and improve concurrency.

  • Load Balancing: Distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers to prevent overload and improve response times.

  • Content Optimization: Compress and optimize content to reduce data transfer times and improve page load speeds.

6. Conclusion

Latency is a critical factor in system performance, and understanding latency numbers is essential for building fast and responsive applications. By optimizing round trips, database queries, and implementing caching strategies, developers can significantly improve the performance and user experience of their applications.

7. Additional Resources

To deepen your knowledge of latency optimization and system design, here are some additional resources:

  1. System Design Interview – An insider's guide Volume 1

  2. System Design Interview – An insider's guide Volume 2

  3. High Performance Browser Networking - A free online book that covers various performance optimization techniques, including latency reduction.

  4. The Tail at Scale - A research paper from Google that explores tail latency and its impact on user experience.

  5. Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know - An article that presents an expanded list of latency numbers and their implications.