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Protecting Against Cross-Site Request Forgery


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Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a common web application vulnerability that allows attackers to perform unauthorized actions on behalf of authenticated users. In a CSRF attack, an attacker tricks a user's browser into making a request to a target website with the user's credentials, leading to unwanted actions.

In this guide, we'll explore CSRF attacks, understand their impact on web security, and discuss best practices to protect against them.

Understanding Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

CSRF is a type of attack where an attacker deceives a user's browser into performing actions on a different website without their knowledge. The attacker crafts a malicious request and tricks the user into unknowingly executing it. This can lead to actions like changing account settings, making unauthorized purchases, or performing other sensitive operations.

How CSRF Attacks Work

CSRF attacks exploit the fact that many web applications rely solely on user authentication cookies to verify the legitimacy of a request. When a user is authenticated to a website, the browser includes the user's cookies with every request to that site. However, this means that if an attacker can get the user to load a malicious page, the browser will include the user's authentication cookies in any request to the target site.

Impact of CSRF Attacks

CSRF attacks can have severe consequences, including:

  • Data Manipulation: Attackers can manipulate user data, modify account settings, or perform unauthorized actions.

  • Financial Loss: CSRF attacks can lead to unauthorized purchases or financial transactions.

  • Privacy Violation: Attackers may access sensitive information, compromising user privacy.

  • Reputation Damage: Victims of CSRF attacks may lose trust in the targeted website and its security measures.

Preventing CSRF Attacks

To protect against CSRF attacks, consider implementing the following best practices:

1. Use CSRF Tokens

Include CSRF tokens in your forms to verify the legitimacy of each request. Tokens are generated during user login and submitted with each form request. The server validates the token before processing the request, ensuring it is from a legitimate source.

<!-- Example of adding a CSRF token to a form -->
<form action="/update-profile" method="POST">
  <input type="hidden" name="csrfToken" value="{csrfToken}" />
  <!-- other form fields -->
  <button type="submit">Update Profile</button>

2. SameSite Attribute for Cookies

Set the SameSite attribute for cookies to restrict their usage to first-party context. This prevents cookies from being sent in cross-origin requests, mitigating CSRF attacks.

// Example of setting the SameSite attribute for a cookie
res.setHeader('Set-Cookie', 'sessionID=example; SameSite=Strict')

3. CSRF Protection Headers

Use CSRF protection headers like X-CSRF-Token and X-Requested-With to ensure AJAX requests are legitimate and from the same origin.

// Example of using CSRF protection headers in AJAX requests
  url: '/api/update',
  type: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'X-CSRF-Token': '{csrfToken}',
    'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
  // other request parameters

4. Referrer Policy

Set the Referrer Policy to limit the information disclosed in the Referer header, reducing the risk of CSRF attacks.

<!-- Example of setting the Referrer Policy -->
<meta name="referrer" content="same-origin" />

CSRF Protection for AJAX Requests

For AJAX requests, follow the same CSRF protection measures as regular form submissions by including CSRF tokens in the request headers.

CSRF Protection in Frameworks

Many web frameworks provide built-in CSRF protection mechanisms. If using a framework, ensure that CSRF protection is enabled and properly configured.


Protecting against CSRF attacks is crucial for maintaining web application security and protecting user data. By implementing CSRF prevention measures such as using CSRF tokens, setting SameSite attributes for cookies, and employing CSRF protection headers, developers can significantly reduce the risk of CSRF vulnerabilities.


  1. OWASP Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Cheat Sheet
  2. Mozilla Developer Network - SameSite attribute