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What is HTTP?


HTTP Guide

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a fundamental protocol that powers the World Wide Web. As an experienced programmer, it's essential to have a solid understanding of HTTP and its role in web communication. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key concepts of HTTP, explain its components using TypeScript code samples, and provide clear explanations.

What is HTTP?

Understanding the Basics

HTTP is an application-layer protocol that facilitates communication between web browsers and servers. It follows a request-response model, where a client (e.g., a web browser) sends an HTTP request to a server, and the server responds with an HTTP response. This request-response interaction forms the basis of most web communication.

Request Methods

HTTP defines various request methods that indicate the desired action to be performed on the server. The most common request methods include:

  • GET: Retrieve a resource from the server.
  • POST: Send data to the server to create a new resource.
  • PUT: Send data to the server to update an existing resource.
  • DELETE: Request the server to delete a resource.

These request methods allow developers to perform different operations on web resources based on the desired functionality.

Status Codes

HTTP responses include status codes that indicate the outcome of a request. These status codes provide information about whether the request was successful, encountered an error, or requires further action. Some common status codes include:

  • 200 OK: The request was successful, and the server returned the requested resource.
  • 404 Not Found: The requested resource could not be found on the server.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: The server encountered an unexpected error while processing the request.

By understanding status codes, developers can handle different scenarios and take appropriate actions in their applications.


HTTP headers contain additional information about the request or response. They provide metadata that helps browsers and servers understand how to handle the communication. Headers can include information such as content type, content length, cache directives, and authentication details. Understanding headers is crucial for building robust web applications that require specific behaviors or security measures.

Cookies and Sessions

HTTP supports cookies, which are small pieces of data stored by the client browser. Cookies enable stateful interactions between clients and servers by allowing servers to remember specific information about the client's previous requests. Sessions, often implemented using cookies, help maintain user-specific data throughout multiple requests, providing a personalized and seamless browsing experience.


To further deepen your understanding of HTTP, here are some top resources worth exploring:

  1. MDN Web Docs - HTTP Guide: The MDN Web Docs provide an extensive guide on HTTP, covering various aspects of the protocol.
  2. HTTP: The Definitive Guide: David Gourley and Brian Totty's book offers a thorough understanding of HTTP and its underlying concepts.
  3. Mozilla Hacks Blog: The Mozilla Hacks Blog features articles on HTTP and web development, providing valuable insights and updates.
  4. HTTP/1.1 Specification: The HTTP/1.1 specification document provides an authoritative reference for the protocol's details.
  5. Google Developers - HTTP Overview: Google Developers offers an overview of HTTP, emphasizing performance optimization and best practices.

Additional Resources

  1. Everything you need to know about HTTP
  2. What is HTTP?
  3. How HTTPS Works …in a comic!
  4. An overview of HTTP
  5. Journey to HTTP/2
  6. HTTP/3 From A To Z: Core Concepts
  7. HTTP/3 Is Now a Standard: Why Use It and How to Get Started
  8. HTTP Crash Course & Exploration