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CSS: The display Property


CSS Display Property

The CSS display property is a powerful tool for controlling the layout and rendering of elements on a webpage. By modifying the display property, you can change how elements are rendered and how they interact with other elements. In this article, we will explore the different values of the display property and their effects on element layout.

Introduction to the display Property

The display property is used to specify the type of box used for an HTML element. By default, HTML elements have a default display value based on their tag name (e.g., <div> is display: block, <span> is display: inline). However, the display property allows you to override the default behavior and change how the element is rendered.

The Block Level vs. Inline Level

The two primary display values are block and inline. Understanding the difference between these two levels is crucial for controlling element layout.

  • Block-level elements start on a new line and take up the full available width. They can have margins, padding, and borders, and you can control their width and height. Examples of block-level elements include <div>, <p>, <h1>-<h6>, <ul>, <li>, and more.

  • Inline-level elements do not start on a new line and occupy only the space required by their content. They do not have width, height, margins, or padding properties. Examples of inline-level elements include <span>, <a>, <strong>, <em>, and more.

Common Values of the display Property

Here are some of the most commonly used values for the display property and their effects on element layout:

display: block

The block value forces an element to behave as a block-level element, starting on a new line and taking up the full width available.

display: inline

The inline value makes an element behave as an inline-level element, allowing it to flow within text or other inline-level elements. It does not start on a new line and occupies only the necessary space.

display: inline-block

The inline-block value combines features of both block-level and inline-level elements. It allows an element to flow inline like an inline-level element while retaining the ability to have width, height, margins, and padding like a block-level element.

display: none

The none value removes an element from the normal document flow and makes it invisible. The element's space is not reserved, and it does not affect the layout of other elements.

Code Samples

Here are some code samples that illustrate the use of the display property:


<div class="block-element">This is a block-level element.</div>

<span class="inline-element">This is an inline-level element.</span>

<span class="inline-block-element">This is an inline-block element.</span>

<div class="hidden-element">This is a hidden element.</div>


.block-element {
  display: block;
  background-color: #f1f1f1;
  padding: 10px;
  margin-bottom: 10px;

.inline-element {
  display: inline;
  background-color: #f1f1f1;
  padding: 5px;
  margin-right: 5px;

.inline-block-element {
  display: inline-block;
  background-color: #f1f1f1;
  padding: 10px;
  margin-bottom: 10px;

.hidden-element {
  display: none;

Display Property and Layout Design

Understanding and correctly utilizing the display property is essential for creating effective layouts. By strategically choosing the appropriate display value, you can achieve desired element arrangements and optimize user experiences.

The display property is particularly useful when combined with other CSS properties like float, position, and flexbox to create more complex and responsive layouts.


To further enhance your knowledge of the display property and its applications, here are the top 5 resources you should read or watch:

  1. The Box Model: Box Model from MDN Docs

  2. CSS-Tricks: All About Floats: An in-depth guide to floats by CSS-Tricks, covering their relationship with the display property.

  3. MDN Web Docs: CSS Display Property: Mozilla Developer Network's documentation on the CSS display property, offering detailed explanations and examples.

  4. CSS Layout - The display Property: A concise guide on W3Schools, providing a quick reference and examples of different display property values.

  5. CSS Tricks: A Complete Guide to Flexbox: An extensive resource on CSS-Tricks that covers flexbox layouts, which often work in conjunction with the display property.

Now that you understand the power of the display property, you can effectively control the layout and rendering of elements in your web projects. Happy coding!